PAKISTAN has been facing many problems since its independence.Water terrorism threats from our neighborhood India are one of the major that Pakistan is facing. India stopped the water supply to Pakistan soon after independence . Following are some reasons that are possible factors for this major issue.
1- Followed by unfair boundary distribution areas of Madhupur and Ferozpur Head works were not given to Pakistan as river Sutlej and Ravi were controlled from there.
2- Gurdaspur was given to India to take hold over Kashmir thereby control of river Jhelum and Chenab came into hands of India.
3- To settle this problem a treaty was signed between India and Pakistan. This treaty is known as "INDUS WATER TREATY". According to this treaty Pakistan and India can't stop the water of each other but discarding this treaty India was given the permission to western rivers that are of Pakistan's land.
This unfair results as following facts:
1- India is continuously stopping water supply of Pakistan time to time.
2- India has made 62 dams on western rivers that belong to Pakistan and is producing 27,000 Mega Watt electricity using Pakistan's water
True And Bitter Realities:
1- India can stop 80% water of river Chenab and Jhelum and 65% water of river Indus
2- All this has resulted to Pakistan if they will oppose Kishan Ganga and Bhaglyar dam