Wednesday 12 December 2012



Breast cancer is the cancer of the breast found in both women as well as men but men cases are very very less but it is most common in the women especially women of United States. It is the very dangerous form of cancer that gets its origin in breast in the tissues of the inner membrane of the milk making glands and milk carrying ducts.
How it develops?
Initially breast cancer develops in the cells of the inner lining of breast. After the cells get effected they divide themselves to reproduce new cell when the body does not need them similarly the old and damaged cell do not die when they are supposed to die. Hence, this situation leads to accumulation of cells in the breast and results in formation of tumor which may be or may not be cancer causing tumor.Ultimately the tumor bursts and cancerous cell mix them selves with the blood and spread in the whole body and start producing more tumors in the body that makes breast cancer.


There are two major types of breast cancer
Ductal Cancer (cancer in milk carrying ducts)
Lobular Cancer (cancer in milk producing glands)

Ductal cancer is more common in women. 7 out of every 10 women having breast cancer have ductal cancer while this ratio for Lobular cancer is 1 out of every 10.


  • Most common symptom of breast cancer is the formation of lump (thickening of breast or a part of breast tissues)
  • Irritaion and dimpling of breast Skin
  • Pain in the breast or nipples.
  • Inward turning of nipples
  • Discharge of any type of fluid or blood from nipples
  • Formation of lump underarm.


There are 5 main stages of breast cancer in 1st stage cancer starts developing in the cells while in 5th (final) stage cancerous cells have spread to other parts of the whole body.
Proper diet, good health and hygiene, controlled weight and time to time check up are few factors that can definitely prevent this fatal disease.


There are several types of treatments of breast cancer which are as follows:
  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Harmon therapy
  • Targeted therapy

After you find that you are suffering from cancer you should must have your all lab tests in order to know that in which stage your cancer is so that you can choose better way of treatment accordingly. Because treatment varies from stage to stage.

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