Friday, 25 January 2013

Global Replication Management

Title: Global Replication Management in Peer to Peer Network
Level: Masters Degree
Duration: 5 to 6 Months
Base Paper: QOS enhancements for global replication management in peer to peer networks
Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, Volume 28, Issue 3, March 2012
Abstract:  Replica Management is a key issue to reduce the bandwidth consumption, to improve data availability and to maintain data consistency in large distributed systems. Global Replica Management means to maintain the data consistency across the entire network. It is preferable particularly for multi group distributed systems. On the other hand, Global Research Management is not favorable for many applications because a very large number of message passes is needed for replica management processes. In this paper, in order to reduce the number of message passes needed to achieve the efficient Global Research Management strategy, an interconnection structure called the Distributed Spanning Tree has been employed. The application of DST converts the peer network into logical layered structures and thereby provides a hierarchical mechanism for replication management. It is proved that this hierarchical approach improves the data availability and consistency across the entire network. In addition to these, it is also proved that the proposed approach reduces the data latency and the required number of message passes for any specific application in the network.
Note: Sometimes concept implementation is different from the concept in the base paper to show the innovative techniques which are must for any Masters Project.

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