Here are given the names of some instruments followed by its use in daily life, laboratory or industry.1- Altimeter
Altimeter is an instrument used to measure altitude. Mostly it is used in aircrafts.
2- Ammeter
Ammeter is used to measure strength of electric current.
3- Anemometer
It is used to measure wind’s force and velocity & it also gives us information about the direction of the wind.
4- Audiometer
It is used to measure sound’s intensity.
5- Barometer
Barometer is used for measuring pressure of atmosphere
6- Bolometer
Bolometer is an instrument used or measuring the radiations of heat emitting from any heated object or anywhere in atmosphere.
7- Calipers
Calipers are the instruments which can measure the inner and outer diameter of solids and theirdepth as well.
8- Calorimeter
Calorimeter is the instrument used for measuring the quantity of heat.
9- Cardiogram (ECG)
Cardiogram is used for measuring movements of heat that are traced on cardiograph.
10- Chronometer
Chronometer is used for determining longitudinal vessels at sea.
11- Cryometer
It is a type of instrument which measures very low temperatures especially below 0 C.
12- Dynamo
Dynamo is used for measuring electric power and its function is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
13- EEG
EEC stands for Electroencephalography. EEG is used for interpreting & recording the brain’s electrical waves that are recorded on the graph.
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